Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Going trekking

We are now in Huaraz, a town 7 hours north of Lima. Today we have been acclimatizing to the altitude, the town is situated 3090 meters above the sea level. Makes it tough to walk up the stairs to our room sometimes.. Tomorrow we are going on a 4-day trek, called the Santa Cruz trek. So, mothers, don't be worried if we don't answer any emails for a while. We will be back with plenty of pictures of what is said to be the most beautiful trek in the Andes!


Anonymous said...

Skönt att ni kom helskinnade från dykningen! Verkar ha varit riktigt tufft!
Ha det riktigt bra på nästa tur!Tack för att vi mammor får veta resplanerna för de närmaste dagarna, så att vi kan släppa hårdbevakningen av nyhetsflödet från Peru ett par dar.
Kramar till er

Ran said...

Wow! Huaraz is great, and Santa-Cruz is amazing! Karin, don't let the donkey go too far ahead. Also take care of the animal carrying the bags.. ;) Keep having fun, Ran.

Karin said...

Mamma: Vi specialbehandlar er lite, tror iofs att du ar den lite lugnare av er tva...

Ran: Can only agree, Santa Cruz was amazing and Huaraz is probably the least polluted town in Peru this far. I took good care of myself (no other animals carrying our bags, my husband doesn't like to be pampered...) and kept all other animals at a fair distance!