We are a bit behind on our blog... Haven't had time to write about Madrid or Quito and now we're suddenly in the Galapagos! Really cool place, even though we only have been in the main town this far we have seen plenty of animals - seals, lizards, birds etc.

Sea lion on watch...

Just wanted to say that we are having a great time, tomorrow we are going to dive at a place called Gordon Rocks where we hopefully get to see Hammerhead sharks. After that we'll jump straight on the boat to the island Isabela where we are planning on staying for 3 night before we're getting back to Santa Cruz and get on to our cruise!
Det låter som ni kommit till paradiset!!! Smaka och sug på varje sekund innan den försvinner! Och ta mycket bilder! Såg ni några hammerheads sedan? Läskigt! Yuvi har fått klartecken från jobbet att han kan ta 2 månader. :D Jippiiii! Så det blir roadtripping i NZ över jul och chanuka! Massor av kramar till er båda!
Kroken Koråken Kräåkoen Tack Tak !!!!!!!
Are you coming to the Sdera this Friday or not?!
Missing you a lot in the holy land.
Sara: Japp, klart vi sag Hammerheads! Och Manta Rays. Det ar helt klart ett coolt stalle. Fast, det ar ju NZ ocksa, det kommer nog att bli super!
Eyal: We'll be at the sdera on Friday of course! See you there!
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