Saturday, September 22, 2007

Welcome to the jungle

The jungle from Rio Tuichi

After lingering a couple of days extra in Rurre it was finally time to get out to the jungle. In 1981, an israeli guy named Yossi Ghinsberg lost his group in the same jungle and had to survive on his own for more than a month before he was finally found. So, let's not tell the israeli mum where we are going until we get back...

We got into a boat in Rurre - Yarden, I, a Czech couple and our non-english speaking guide. Fortunately it turned out that the czech girl spoke spanish so she translated what the guide said into czech, her boyfriend into english and we all understood most of it. Of course, being in Bolivia, the guide knew most names of animals and plants in Hebrew as well. After 3 hours on Rio Beni and Rio Tuichi we arrived at our camp - a few cabins, dining room and bath - very simple but ok.

Our cabaƱa

In the afternoon we went for our first walk. For 4 hours we walked through thick, green and hot jungle where you don't get one quiet moment. The sounds from cicadas, birds and any other type of animal was really loud, quite surprising. We saw birds, spiders, wild pigs, a snake and even a turtle. To quench our thirst we drank water from a liana and the guide told us about different medicinal and toxic plants.

Downing a liana




Beautiful butterfly

We came back to the camp for an excellent dinner and then Yarden and I went for a night walk with tthe guide. In the pitch black night, only lit up by our torches, the stars and fire flies our guide managed to find frogs, spiders, birds, crocodiles and tracks from puma, jaguar and tapir. Walking along the river, gleaming eyes of crocodiles where everywhere, luckily they aren't very big so no worries. The bigger animals decided not to show up so footprints were all we got. 2,5 hours later we came back to the camp for some sleep.

Tiny crocodile

Dragon fly

The second day contained a 3-4 hour walk in the morning, followed by lunch, siesta and a much needed swim in the river. Then it was time for "artesania", handicraft. The guide and the czech girl where frenetically making rings and necklaces from different kinds of nuts. I made my husband a wedding ring ("it's not comfortable" - does he think that marriage is about comfort??) and the guys were sleeping and reading.

Having fun in the jungle

More fun in the jungle

The last day started early so we could walk a few hours before the temperature became unbearable. This time we walked up to a view point where we could see the jungle from above and hear the howler monkeys howl. In the afternoon we got back into the boat and went to a place to watch colorful parrots screaming loudly before heading back to Rurre.

Look carefully for parrots

Finally some really bad Rio Tuichi jokes:
- The mosquito bites I can stand but the river is Tuichi
- We swam in the river but didn't enjoy it, it was Tuichi

Trees, comes in all shapes...